$279.00 USD

Somatic Touch Bootcamp Agreement

Before we dive in, let’s align on a few simple guidelines to ensure this experience is meaningful and empowering for everyone. 

By checking the box, you agree:

Respect and Consent: I understand the importance of mutual respect, trust, and clear communication. I commit to honoring boundaries—both my own and others'—in every interaction.

Curiosity and Openness: I agree to show up with an open mind, ready to explore new perspectives and practices. I acknowledge that discomfort can be a part of growth, and I’ll lean into it with curiosity.

Confidentiality and Safety: I commit to keeping all shared experiences within the bootcamp private and respecting the emotional safety of the group.


Pleasure Bootcamp October 2024 (EARLY BIRD)

Ready to transform your coaching practice?

With over 30 years of experience as a somatic practitioner, I've created this bootcamp to address the common struggles faced by coaches, teachers, and therapists in integrating touch, managing emotions, and navigating trust and consent.

With the Bootcamp, you'll develop:

  • Confidence to integrate masterful, healthy and consensual touch into your practice
  • A whole new playbook of practices, approaches, and techniques
  • Mastery in the art of building trust and consent
  • A comprehensive grasp of the scientific principles of touch in emotion and psychological health
  • Clarity and confidence to shape the direction of your coaching practice

I am super excited to work with you to bring your coaching practice to the next level!